
According to the Department of Justice's Bureau of Justice Statistics, in February 2001, approximately 386,000 convicted *** offenders were registered in 49 states and the District of Columbia (excluding Massachusetts). In April 1998, 277,000 offenders were registered. California led the way with more than 88,000 registrants; Texas was next with almost 30,000. Thirty-two states collected DNA information from registrants. The FBI maintains a web site with links to all state *** offender registry web ******* The site is located at http://www.fbi.gov/hq/cid/cac/states.htm.
Every state has a *** offender registry, but states vary greatly in how they release information to the public, and what information is released. Some states require interested citizens to access registry information at their local law enforcement agencies. For example, in South Dakota only a few communities have placed specific offender information online; in most communities interested citizens must request the information from authorities. In the neighboring state of Iowa, anyone can access information online about any person on its *** offender registry in a number of ways. Searches can be conducted by name, geographic location, or gender of the offender or victim. Iowa provides photos, physical descriptions, addresses, and details of convictions.
Law enforcement authorities may also have the obligation to disseminate information about registered *** offenders. Notification may extend to prior victims, neighbors, schools, youth organization, and other relevant individuals or groups. In some cases, community-wide notification may be required. Newspapers, television, radio, and community meetings are some of the methods used to provide community notification.
Critics of *** offender registries claim that they do little to protect most victims of ***ual offenses, because most victims know the perpetrator. According to the Department of Justice, about seven of every ten female rape or ***ual assault victims reported that the perpetrator was an intimate, relative, friend, or acquaintance. The U.S. Supreme Court has addressed the constitutionality of *** offender registries. In Connecticut Department of Safety v. Doe, and in Smith v. Doe, both decided March 5, 2003, the court found that *** offender registries do not violate *** offenders' constitutional rights.
